led by Tommy Vext on vocals who led the re-united SNOT back in 2009 as well as singing for Divine Heresy, Doc Coyle (former God Forbid) on guitars, John Boecklin (former Devildriver) on drums, Chris Cain (Bury Your Dead) on guitars and Kyle Konkiel (former In This Moment) on bass, the band is not only somewhat of a supergroup but the band has had HUGE commercial success with their Cranberries cover of “Zombie”. The four band onslaught kicked off early at 6:00pm as Los Angeles’ Bad Wolves began at what seemed to be the hottest part of the day with the sun fully swallowing the stage. A beautiful HOT, sunny California evening set the stage for five hours of aggressive music for the 12,000 music lovers in attendance. For what is right and what is allowed to stand against a machine that tears us down.Heavy Metal music has had some amazing tour packages out this year in 2018 led by Slayer, Ministry, Killswitch Engage among others and now it’s Hard Rock’s turn as Five Finger Death Punch along with Breaking Benjamin, Nothing More and Bad Wolves made a stop at The Fivepoint Amphitheater in Irvine on Friday night July 27. We have inner strength to fight against what makes us weaker, but while we fight with the turmoil of the actions of society, of the people of who drag us down, we fight with the inevitable that brings us down and are hoping for the individuals that come about and allow us the be freed from the fight, if even for the moment to allow a foothold to strengthen the grasp that is the individual. Who or whatever makes us less than what we are as we struggle. Not to just wash away politics, but to take away what drags us down. They are waiting for someone to come along wash away the corruption that binds everyone with the monotonous parasitic nature as described within the single phrase of 'I'm wasting here WITH everyone to WASH IT ALL AWAY'. Where the world seems to be against individuals and for just everyone seeking benefit from individuals for their own gain, they sit within their own hatred of the world: finding their own inner strength to find a form of defiance but it isn't enough. In a world where suffering and pain has become the prevalent action, hope has been lost within the unit of families, media and world in general. And his band memebers to have his back and trust in him hes doing the best he can and being honest and moral the whole way along. By the end of the song hes sitting their with everyone. And the wife he trusted to be there for him in his time of need. The key to his happiness is to ingore all the lies and bullshit spoken by internet trolls who have done nothing with their lives. He himself was going through an internal war. Hes trying hard to find a way and or a healthy relationship/mindset to help him find his way in an unclear path.waiting for someone to wash it all away. Yet majority of the shit people called him out on they were doing themselves. Everyone was on the i hate ffdp band wagon writing shit because they could on social media. He is sitting there in his own world of hate. And his friendship with band members due to alcohol. Where hes having difficulties in his relationship.